Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bavarian illuminati Intends to Dominate the Globe

Roman Catholic Church in Hegyhátszentpéter
Roman Catholic Church in Hegyhátszentpéter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There is a new dawn of a group known as the illuminati. This is the group that hopes to achieve world domination over the world. Who started this group in quest to rule over the world with the Bavarian Illuminati? The history of this movement started with Adam Weishaupt over decades ago. The movement was to make people realize the essence of having power both socially and even economically.

They are the kind of foundation that is very powerful and ranks ranging from all classes and even races. They make people believe that they have power over most of the things. The fact that they put monetary value towards the group makes many people get attracted to the movement.

The Illuminati is more than a religion as it brainwashes people and it mostly targets people who are religion unsettled. It is a group that has managed to get the most powerful people in the societies such as musicians and even high social members of the society. They hope to have recruits that will divert the society in believing in their world domination agenda.

The recruiting process has been a Project Blue Beam  for the illuminati geared to their sole goal. They entice different personalities with the promise of securing a bright future. The recruits get popular and filthy rich at ones. This gives even the doubting ones some sort of a guarantee.

To invest in so much, one has to use much money in such a program. It is very risky if one if is going to put there hard earned money in the illuminati project. One needs to know what exactly they are you against since it could be trap. One needs to get the entire act right and all they research as well as assurance.

There was a lot of controversies that come with the group and this is not a very safe reputation. Before the group came to be, it was said that everything they did was all in secrecy and it was more like a cult. The question is why they did all there procedures in such secrecy and uncertainty.

The organization was set to originate to give freedom to everyone who has a different way of thinking and ideology. During that time, they were rumored to be anti-Christ’s and people who were a threat to the government high power. This was in the 1770s they were associated to the French Revolution. They were not able to come in terms with the Roman Catholic Church where they were at odds.

Eventually, the group was banned, but it still managed to stay active this time as they underdog group. This group at some point is rumored to of the Freemasons. The core-agenda of this group is to create a small world where people can live as one with no rules, religion, and have commonness. These ideas seem to be enticing but what people don’t know there might be a catch. These ideas are publicized by politicians, celebrities as they have more control over the crowd.

One should be careful and more conscience before they make an offer getting into such a group. It is essential to carry out all the research and facts at hand.

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